Saturday 30 December 2017

Till next year

This year has been an eventful one, my daughter got married in October. Needless to say, it was a joyful and proud time for her father and I, and as with all brides she was beautiful. This has been the reason I haven't been posting much of late, but 2018 is a new year, and there are no significant events planned to take up my time, so I look forward to developing some new recipes.

Well, the silly season is almost over, and I hope you all were able to spend time with those that you love and are important in your life.   My lovely daughter and her shiny new husband have returned home. There is sadness that they are gone, I will miss them, but no matter how lovely they are it's always nice to get your home back.

Christmas day went off without a hitch, in part to CC, my great oven, and a 3 station buffet from Kmart for $45, that kept the vegetables and meat warm over our lunch.  Fantastic buy!

CC has been busy over the last week, making bread, and bread rolls, custard and stuffing for the turkey.  I had bought myself a Christmas present of the CC mini bowl, which isn't available here in Australia, but Amazon France shipped it out in double quick time!  The page is in French, but if you use Google Chrome just right mouse click on the page and choose "Translate to English".  It says they dont ship to Australia, but many of us now have bought and had the mini bowl delivered.  (For me in Tasmania it was only 10 days using the slower delivery option). It arrived on Christmas Eve, so Santa came early.  I will be developing some recipes especially for the mini bowl, so watch this space!

The New Year is fast approaching, I have plans to add lots more recipes to my blog, I hope you all have a safe and happy New Years, I look forward to giving you some inspiration in your kitchens in 2018!

Keep watching this space as I have something new and exciting to share!


  1. Happy New Year Rosemary. I have been lusting after that 3 station buffet for years now - however there is only 2 of us here and I rarely entertain enough people to warrant the purchase but I have envy now.

    Ordered a mini bowl so we can exchange recipes with that!!

    Have a good one.

    1. Thanks Bea Jay, am looking forward to a year of using the mini bowl and creating new recipes! You will love yours. There are only the two of us here as well, but I am already planning a curry evening with neighbours, will use the my mini bowl to create curry pastes and the 3 station buffet to serve from!


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